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Our Expertise

Higher Education

Our higher education partners empower the students and the communities they serve. Together, we champion life's biggest moments.

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A Matter of Degrees

Navigating today’s higher education landscape is no small feat.

Institutions are feeling the pressure of the impending enrollment cliff with fewer prospects having more choices for college than ever. In a time when student recruitment efforts and the power of your brand can change the conditions of the road ahead of you, it matters who is behind the wheel.

There’s marketing your institution’s on-paper values, and then there’s marketing the full package of what it means to be a college or university student.

Campaigns based on true sentiment and perception from the very audiences you’re seeking to reach get to the heart of what makes where you are particularly special and setting out to position that in the ideal messaging and visuals.

If authentic, genuine marketing that resonates with a savvy target audience is the resolution you seek, look no further.

For Your Team

Student Solutions

At Epicosity, we understand the complicated nature of recruitment and institution branding. That's why we've worked hard to develop specific solutions for institutions with goals like yours.

  1. Student Recruitment

    Modern recruitment and enrollment strategies provide a unique experience for every student. This is accomplished through awareness-based marketing practices that position the college as a helpful resource for the student.

    Together, we can leverage success equations, recruitment strategies, data-driven creative, strong insights and key media placements to build the student recruitment campaigns that meet your goals. This includes personalized audience communication, key geography saturation and emphasis, tracking, optimization and reporting.

  2. Institutional Brand & Positioning

    From large state schools to private universities to community colleges, higher education institutions of all sizes are facing the same enrollment cliff in upcoming years. In this evolving landscape, standing out from the sea of sameness carves the way to staying ahead of the game.

    We’ll bring a fresh lens and an informed eye to the analysis of your current materials and campus culture. Because long-term success depends on how well your brand story and image adjusts to today’s student mindset.

Our Approach

For each campaign, it's all hands on deck to learn who your institution is, what your goals are, who your right-fit students are, how to reach them – and more.

Here’s are a few ways we may drive student recruitment efforts:
  • Student Search Campaigns
  • Application Action Campaigns
  • Future Student Recruitment Campaigns
  • Enrollment Optimization Campaigns
  • Transfer Student Enrollment Campaigns


Here’s are a few ways we may work to develop your brand:
  • Brand Perception Studies
  • Brand/Campaign Concept Development
  • Brand/Campaign Message Map
  • Brand/Campaign Tone, Voice & Style Guides
  • Brand/Campaign Campus & Stakeholder Buy-in Tools
  • Brand Roadmapping
Epic Whitepaper

Discover our free Five Stages of Awareness report

Find out how to get ahead with your college admissions marketing strategy. 

Who We've Worked With

Our team specializes in marketing for many higher ed institutions across the country — including state universities, community colleges, technical colleges and private universities.

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  • We champion colleges.

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  • We champion universities.

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  • We champion higher education.

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Certifications & Memberships
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Let's hit the books.

Our brand ambassador Justin Summers will help show you the path to get there. It's a journey, and we'll be by your side – every step of the way.